Friday, August 21, 2009

Hungry Nukes

All over history, man developed weapons to protect himself and his country from others, that's reasonable and even nukes made sense when they were first produced may be because conventional weapons at that early time were not sometimes capable of causing enough destruction and death to enemy targets, also attacking cities and civilians by savage force was a daily act done by aircrafts, destroyers, artillery and infantry.

Now at the 21st century, every one knows that there is no “right way to use nukes” because when fired must cause massive death tolls and great environmental damages to targeted areas, despite all of that countries are still spending trillions of dollars making nuclear and biological weapon, without counting money spent on transporting, securing and maintenance of already existing nukes. Reports say that the US spent 5.5 trillion $ on making nukes while it has been estimated that fixing every thing – I mean: poverty and illiteracy elimination , improving health care, providing clean water and shelters, debt relief of developing countries and creating sustainable energy resources – on this planet would cost only 260 billion $ annually for 10 years !!

Leaving these stunning economic facts about nuclear weapons and thinking about the security issues we find that some countries have nuclear weapons though they lie in “very hot spots” like Pakistan, Israel and countries which were part of the Soviet Union, these countries along with others were able to build hundreds of nuclear war heads, they surely have good security measures to protect their war heads, but who can guarantee that none of the hundreds would fall in the hands of any extremist or terrorist group? Imagine that Taliban was able to reach a nuclear facility in Pakistan or steal a nuke war head, they won't hesitate to blow it up any where in the world. Imagine an extremist government reached power in Israel that already kills civilians with internationally forbidden weapons. For previous Soviet Union nations, I will not say imagine because it's already known that there are hundreds of missing missiles and nukes.

This doesn't mean that other great powers like the US and Russia have the right to have nuclear weapons, they should stop making nukes and also follow a scheduled disarming process to demolish the existence of nuclear weapons, the problem that you cant' just get rid of a nuke by blowing it up and the disarming operations cost much of money, but we should do it fast or one day our life will be like one of these movies where people live in crumbled cities and starving to death but they have nukes at their backyard.


  1. What is AIMUN???

    just making sure what I understood is right...

  2. Hi Eng.Amr
    Kol Sana w enta tyb, Ramdan Karem :D
    Well it's my fault I didn't define it, AIMUN is Alexandria International Model Of United Nations, it is a conference held in bib Alex every summer where young people discuss some issues and play as decision makers and head of states.
    I wrote few articles in the NewsLetter that belongs to the event.
